Art Blog no.#2-The Random Art I Found Deep In My Computer

 Art no.#2 
(Random art i found deep in my computer)

As you can see,Its a furry art. i give this  6.5/10. Back Then i was a Furry,until it wore out because i dont want my character to be an animal and try new things, so i changed my character. Boom End of story.(PS i think being a furry back then was a Phase)

i rated this a six out of ten because i liked the choice of the color scheme,and so when i inverted the color of it, it still looks great! except for the robot-hand one,he doesn't make sense-
I also like the choice of accessories but i hate to see that the head is bigger than the body, the legs are too small for the torso, and i don't practice making shoes or feet.
I usually just make art that just only shows the torso and up, that's why i'm bad at it, When i looked at it i didn't like it that much since there's so many problems. When i was drawing this it burned out my hand so much that i have to use my left hand after drawing it,and the problem is that the background is poorly made and it looks like Spongebob lives near that map *wHeEzE* AND the hands are too small,they look like there from T-Rexes! Good Gosh the tail part just doesn't make sense at all.I'll try to improve body shapes as well as the legs-
[The lesson is that i cant draw big pictures-]

That is all thank you for reading this.Ill probably come back tomorrow if i wanted to and i have free time..



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